Virtual pin board service New and easy to use social media trends and tools popping up every day. And for  the best thing is every single trend and social media tool could be a big thing to your business as well as for your personal life. Today I’m going to give an introduction about new social media tool called Pinterest. Yes you are correct it’s Pinterest or Pin+Interest. Another way it is a digital pin board that you can pin what you interest from the internet. Sounds like interesting tool.. huh . Yes it is. After you got your own account from you own your own Digital Pin Board which you can access anywhere. Take a look.
Virtual pin board. What is virtual pin board ?
Pinterest the vitual pin board
Pinterest is currently invite-only, you need to get an invite either your friend or Pinterest team. If you wish to get invitation by Pinterest team visit and register with your email and Pinterest team will send you  the invitation with in couple of days. Or you can ask the friends already in Pinterest network to send and invitation for you. For the time being after you receive an invitation, you can sign up and login only from your Facebook or Twitter accounts, via Facebook connect or Twitter connect. That’s maybe for security for malicious account creation.
This is really great tool for personal life, which it allows you to pin what you like. The and another interest thing is any one can repin what you like and that explains the real way or social media. Just like gossips ( Kidding …. 😀 ). Yet again this is a another good business tool. I will explain how you can play with this tool to get advantage for your business in a another post. 

After you Sign up and log in to Pinterest, you can get your “Pin It” button for you browser from just drag and drop to the bookmark bar on your browser. Whoola…. Now you are ready to pin you pinboard. If you are interest with any site that you visit just lick the “Pin it” button to add that to your virtual pin board. Happy Pinning. 

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